jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018

Ever Never Just For Since Still Already Yet

My first of bachillerato students have asked me for a chart to have a clear view of the time expressions used with the present perfect tense. Here it goes:

Affirmative sentences.
Before the past participle.
The train has already arrived.
Affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.
+, -, ?
Before the past participle.
“justo” (acabar de hacer algo)
I have just finished my work.
Affirmative and negative sentences.
+, -
Before the auxiliary verb
“aún, todavía”
Mary still hasn’t started eating.
Negative sentences.
At the end of the sentence.
My dad hasn’t come yet.
Interrogative sentences.
At the end of the sentence.
Have you finished your homework yet.
Negative sentences.
Before the past participle.
I haven’t ever been there.
Interrogative sentences.
Before the past participle.
“alguna vez”
Have you ever been to Paris?
Affirmative sentences.
Before the past participle.
I have never been there.
FOR+ period of time.
Affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.
+, -, ?
At the end of the sentence.
My sister has lived in Paris for two years.
point in time.
Affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.
+, -, ?
At the end of the sentence.
My sister has lived in Paris since 2015.

I hope it helps them to study better this unit.

There are some exercises they can do to practise this point:
Tell me what else do you need, and I will try to keep up. Cheers!!

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

The Ghost of the Green Lady

The Ghost of the Green Lady tells the  mysterious story of a teenager who goes to live and study at a boarding school and there is this legend about a Lady with a green glow that appears in the lake nearby. It is well written and keeps the attention up till the end.

This reader will help my students of 3rd of ESO develop their reading comprehension and improve their vocabulary. As a teacher, I really like Burlington Books readers because of the stories they choose -normally they are close to my students likes- and because of the materials they offer to the teachers. If you want to listen to the book as you read it, you can do it in this link to their page.

I hope my students like it and I hope you leave your comments if you have read it.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Reviewing the verbs "to be" and "have got"

My FPB students have learnt a lot from last year, more than they and me expected, especially in what refers to listening skills. But summer is very long, so they have forgotten quite most of the important forms of verbs and their use.

In order to review them, I have searched for videos I can use to revise these forms which are simple but are not on my own voice so that they get different voice listening practices. These exercises are quite simple but I want them to develop oral expressive skills.

Hope it does!!!

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015


This is the speech Malala Yousafzai gave at the United Nations Youth Assembly in 2013. She was shot by the Taliban just because she wanted to study and is reknowned for being an education activist.

This is the topic used in one of the PAU English tests that we are going to start working in class, not only because my students will take a similar one at the end of the course, but also because they work on reading comprehension and writing compositions which are basic to develop a good level of English in a class of too many people.

We are going to start with a test based on Malala's speech. It is a very easy speech to understand, she speaks an almost perfect English with a lot of accent. In order to be able to understand the texts that appear in this type of tests, it is important to know the background of the text; that is, it is much easier to understand the text if we know about Malala and have heard her speech. 

There are many PAU tests on the Internet and many of them are solved, but remember, you won't have to take the one on the Internet so, they are good to practice the reading and writing skills, but not to memorise!!!

If you are one of my students of 2nd of Bachillerato, please leave a comment .

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


I know it has been a very very very long time and I want to say thank you to the over four thousand people who still come back to this place even though there is nothing new in it. It has been a time of really hard work, but I am glad that it is work that is well done and starts to be seen.

This week we are going to celebrate Halloween and this year my courses need lower levels, so I am going to use this great page by English Exercises to learn new vocabulary and practice. Before that we will warm up with a great picture exercise at ESOL Courses and this great quiz from the BBC.

I hope it helps! Leave your comments and tell me!

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

Book Day 2014

Today we are celebrating the International Book Day. My students know that it is so because we also commemorate the death date of two of the greatest writers of all times: William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. We are also about to celebrate the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth date and I came across this blog that shows how Shakespeare's Twitter would be today.
 I think that we have a lot of quotes and funny sentences that come from Shakespeare's works that fit into 140 characters, we can try and look for some. You can leave them in a comment and I will publish them in my Twitter account. 
Have you thought of any??If it is difficult for you to remember any, you can find Shakespeare's works online in English and in Spanish (for example, his sonnets). Have a look and choose your best!!!

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Celebrating Easter in the first cycle of ESO

My first ESO students do not really know that Easter is not celebrated in all parts of the world in the same way. That is the reason why we are going to watch this great video to see the differences between Spain and the UK. Topics such as the Easter hunt, the Easter bunnies or the Easter eggs are unkown to our students, so we will be working on that through the use of different worksheets found in this page called Activity Village

I hope you all have a Happy Easter!!!

Ever Never Just For Since Still Already Yet

Helpdesk2den My first of bachillerato students have asked me for a chart to have a clear view of the time expressions used with the present ...