martes, 3 de enero de 2012

A SENSE OF DANGER by Tracy Simmonds (Ed. Burlington Books)

( Burlington Books)

This reader by Tracy Simmonds is an interesting story about a pair of Australian teenage twins that have to move to Spain because of their father's job. They don't know how to speak Spanish and they haven't got any friends in Spain. 

When they get to Spain, there is a mistery related to their father's job that they have to solve. Jonathan has special mental powers and always feels a sense of danger. Jody falls in love with a handsome Spaniard. Mistery and love at the Fallas in Valencia, I hope you like it.

You can download the complete reading aloud of the pages of this book at the Burlington Books' Student's Zone.

You can also tells us what you think about the book. LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS!!

11 comentarios:

  1. I will read it!! Parece interesting!!! Un beso guapa!!

  2. I think your level is a bit higher, Gema!! I recommend you read Time's Arrow, by Martin Amis. Thanks for commenting on my blog!!

  3. The activities it is do in the notebook or in a sheet?
    Get well soon!
    PD: I have been wrong the page and I write again but now in this page.
    Mª José Muñoz
    IES Tartessos

  4. MªJosé, you should do them at the back of your notebook.
    Thank you for wishing me well, I hope I'll be there soon.

  5. Hellow teacher, I cant´n download the book ``A sense of danger´´.Can you help me?? In the page is only AUDIO MATERIAL
    Get well soon!!!! and come back quickli jajaj xD

    Antonio Duarte.
    IES Tartessos

    1. Hello Antonio, of course you cannot download the book!!! It's only audio!! Thanks for the "wish" and get to work!!!

  6. Hello! I just have a one question about the book.
    What year was the book written in? I mean, de qué año es el libro?
    Thank you so much!

    1. According to the information that comes in the book, it was first published by Burlington Books in the year 2005, I do not know when it was written.

  7. Hi ! I'm. Gemma too and I would like you to help me to know how jonhatan finds out what happened. Thanks to his telepathy

    1. Hello Gemma, thanks for your question. I must confess it has been a long time since I read the book, I do not have it here at home and I do not remember very well but here is my answer:

      His telepathy made him feel that something was going wrong, but it was the police and the Spanish friends reactions that made Jonathan and his sister find out about the robbers.

      If I have the chance, I will have a look at the book again and if this is wrong I will tell you. I hope this helps.


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