sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

Be used to, get used to; I used to know these things

While you are listening to this fantastic song by Gotye (there are some mistakes in the Spanish translation), you can have a look to the explanation in the chart below about these three quite similar terms; there is another good explantion at Peter's Blog inglés (in Spanish).You can also do the  exercises I am going to propose you.
Past habit or state

Process of acquiring a habit
Actually having the habit.

Verb in personal form (used to changes), already in the past:

I used to eat a lot.
I didn’t use to eat a lot.
Did  you use to sleep a lot?
Verb in the infinitive, we can find it in present, past or future (used to remains unchanged):

I got used to eating little.
I didn’t get used to eating so little.
Did you get used to eating so little?
Verb in the infinitive, we can find it in present, past or future (used to remains unchanged):

I was used to eating little.
I wasn’t used to eating little.
Were you used to eating so little?

You can practise this at the following pages:

So, tell me, are you getting used to using the blog to study English?
Leave your comments!!

4 comentarios:

  1. Teacher the song is very beautiful, I like that very much.
    I understand the theory but now I don't have time for practise the exercises.

    Mª José Muñoz, 1º Bach.C

    1. Don't worry MªJosé, you'll have time for it! Thanks for the comment!!!

  2. Soy Pablo Duarte de 1 BACHA A.
    Me han servido mucho estos ejercicios para entender mejor esta parte de la gramática.
    Thank you!!
    PD: Me gusta mucho el blog !


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