jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012

Merry Christmas from IES Tartessos

If you want to hear Santa Claus wishing you the best for your holidays in my name, click on Oddcast and you will hear him. You can also do your own interactive Christmas card at Chatty Santa.

I want to thank Aurora Jove because I found this web thanks to her wonderful blog Think in English.

How do you congratulate people for Christmas? Do you use e-cards? Which ones?

4 comentarios:

  1. I can´t hear it. Merry Chritsmas for you, too.

    1. It says: "I hope all the students at Ies Tartessos have a nice holiday from their English teacher Ana García" It is so funny!! Merry Christmas for you too!! ;)

  2. Hello!! Merry Chritsmas too!!!
    This is the recipe of the cake that Javi and me took the last Friday. The recipe is in French, because the "Galette des Rois" is a tradicional French cake that the French eat on the Wise Men's day.

    2 cerles de pâte feuilletée
    200 g d'amande en poudre
    160 g de sucre
    120 g de beurre
    3 jaune d'oeufs

    1) Mélanger la poudre d'amande, le sucre et le beurre fondu. Ajouter 2 jeunes d'oeufs.
    2) Verser cette préparation sur la pâte feuilletée en réservant les bords. Recouvrir de la deuxième pâte.
    3) Dorer à l'aide d'un jaune d'oeuf.
    4) Faire cuire au four pendant 40 mn à 180°.

    I hope that this cake turn out very well.
    Marina Casillas 1º Bachillerato C

    1. Thank you Marina!! I hope it is as good as yours. If I do it, I'll tell you.


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