jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

My first MOOC.

I am going to show you my last new adventure (two in a week, not a bad one, is it?). On Monday I started my first MOOC, it stands for Massive Open Online Course and they are online courses proposed by prestigious universities which are held online for thousands of people.

The course I am taking is called "Tecnologías de información y comunicación en la educación" and it is from the University of Mexico. It started on Monday and it finishes on the 23rd June and the work is divided into 5 weeks at the end of which we, the students, will have to have read some documents and fill in an autoevaluation test. There are also forums and 5 live sessions on YouTube. We also have a hashtag on Twitter: #ticunam

At the end of the course, our final project will be evaluated by 5 mates of the course and that result (80%)  together with the sum of the autoevaluations (20%) will be our final result. We are recommended to write a blog with our personal thinkings which I will link when I have something written, it is called Formación Docente (fuera de horario).

I think MOOCs are a perfect way to develop a personal learning environment for teachers for some reasons:

  • We do have time and willingness to learn; but certainly we cannot take lessons in the morning or the afternoon.
  •  We can choose among thousands of courses from all around the world which will certify our learning. 
  • We get certified for free (which is excellent now that our pays are getting reduced). 
  • We get to create a network of professional teachers who have the same worries and interests...

Have you ever taken part in one? Share your experience with us and wish me good luck!

4 comentarios:

  1. Felicidades Ana. Muy lindo blog. Intentare seguir tus pasos.

    1. Muchas gracias Jose Alvaro, éste es mi blog de clase y reflexiones sobre la educación del inglés y en general que tengo desde hace año y medio. El de Ticunam es http://formaciondocentef.blogspot.com.es/ pero aún no he empezado a escribir.


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