martes, 16 de julio de 2013

Thank you!!!

The insides of my blog.
This is going to be my last entry in a few days because where I am going there is no wi-fi!! Can you believe it? But I did not want to leave without saying thank you to all of you who have been there. As you can see in the picture, there are already more than 50,000 visits in total (not bad for an educative blog in a year and a half).
I also wanted to give you the list of the top ten, that is, the most visited so you can visit them too. I am going to present them backwards, the last one is the most visited:

So, what are your favourite posts?

1 comentario:

  1. Hi I'm Ana from

    Blogginup is a community of bloggers in which people follow blogs and add marks to the post or blogs that they like more.
    The purpose is to get an audience to follow and go to your blog.

    I invite you to come and add your blog in less than 1 minute and start having your own followers to follow your blog.

    English version

    Regards! :) xx


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