lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

Starting the course with Katy Perry, 'cause baby YOU are a FIREWORK.

I like to start the school year with a motivating song that reminds students that they can do whatever they want if they try hard enough. This song by the American artist Katy Perry talks about how you have to show the best of you to shine, and the melody is also very inspiring.
I hope you like it and it inspires you as I wish it inspires my students this year, that is five groups (four of ESO and one first of Bachillerato). You can read the lyrics as you watch the video which is the music and photos from the official video.
Do you like the song? Don't you think it is inspiring?
If you are a new student, feel brave enough to leave a comment!

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Ever Never Just For Since Still Already Yet

Helpdesk2den My first of bachillerato students have asked me for a chart to have a clear view of the time expressions used with the present ...